Why Courtney Love demolished the Greenhouse

Kurt Cobain was found dead in the greenhouse of his Lake Washington house on 8th April 1994. A few years after his death, his wife and widow, Courtney Love demolished the greenhouse. Fans of Nirvana and Kurt Cobain who support the conspiracy theory that claims Cobain was murdered by his wife suspect that the greenhouse was demolished by her because she wanted to erase any evidence in the greenhouse missed by the Seattle Police. Evidence that can reopen the case. A renovation of the house was done after the demolition. Courtney had hired Michael 'Cali' DeWitt's father to do the renovation. Then later she would sell the house for $2,895,000. 

I recently finished reading a book called Courtney Love: The Real Story by Poppy Z. Brite. In chapter 24 of the book, the author explained that the reason why the greenhouse was demolished was because it was encroaching an area of a park called Viretta Park, specifically half of the greenhouse and a part of the driveway. The park took action to get the areas which were occupied illegally by the residents return to their respective owners. 

Courtney had to demolish the greenhouse because she did not legally own the area where the greenhouse was located. 

One blog I found had a post where it gave a transcript of an article by the Seattle Post Intelligencer where Courtney was interviewed about the demolition of the greenhouse. In the interview, Courtney said that she is worried about having her and her daughter's privacy and security get threaten by the fans who come to visit the place. Usually the fans would take photos and leave but some fans do more like breaking tree branches, drinking beers, doing drugs and littering the place. Courtney was trying to get some extra area from Viretta Park to expand the boundary. Viretta Park was taking enough area of the house such that the front porch of the house was 8.5 feet away from the boundary. Courtney found the proposed new boundaries to make her feel vulnerable. She was worried that the small space will make it easy for any unruly fan to break in and do something bad like stealing or worse, sexual assault and murder. I haven't found any information if Viretta Park had complied to her request or not. 

I found this image of the house given below.

I don't know when this photo was taken but I believe this was years after the house got renovated and sold by Courtney. And judging by the looks of it, I don't think Courtney got the extra space she wanted.

I have a feeling she sold the house because she felt insecure to live there.

The main point I want to make here is that the cause of the demolition of the greenhouse wasn't initiated by Courtney Love herself. It was Viretta Park that caused the demolition of the greenhouse.



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